Spainskills 2015: the Professional Training Olympics

Project Details

11th Ordinary Plenary Session of the FEMP

Client: Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP)


Providing the professional services necessary for the holding of the eleventh Plenary Session of the FEMP, the highest governing body of the Federation, which will elect the other governing bodies (Governing Board and Regional Council) and define the roadmap for the next term of office, which runs from this year through to 2019.

Our clients

Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias
Federación Española de Ortesistas Protesistas
Ministerior de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
MMT Seguros
Mutualidad de la Abogacia
Wolters Kluwer



21 Arte St, 1ºC
Madrid, 28033, Spain

+34 607 910 456

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